Be Your Own Custodian / Trustee
Defer up to $58,000 or $64,500 per year
Combine with Spouse’s IRA
Borrow from Your Plan up to $50,000
A huge advantage of the Solo 401(k) is you may legally serve as the Trustee of your plan.
Save on Fees: Stop paying costly transaction fees, and losing out on investment deals because your Custodian takes forever to process a transaction.
With the Check Book 401(k), you push the Custodian out the door and step into their place. You control the plan; you make the decisions; and you write the checks direct from the plan bank account.
Reporting: There is very little reporting to be done and since an LLC is not required you will save on state registration fees and reporting.
Precious Metals: According to the code may be held by the Trustee, which is this case it you!
With the exception of Roth IRA’s you may combine 401(k)s from previous employers, State Pensions, 403(b) accounts, TSPs, ESOP plans, and Traditional, SEP, and SIMPLE IRAs.
Add Your Spouse’s Account: That’s right, you may legally combine both husband and wife IRA’s into ONE powerful account.
Add an LLC: If you would like an LLC, you as Trustee simply form it with the plan being the sole member. This makes it easy for anonymity as well as added asset protection.
Protect Your Heirs: A recent court case ruled that an inherited plan is no longer considered a retirement plan but is simply an asset and therefore subject to confiscation in a lost lawsuit. Contact us on how we can eliminate that risk.
The 401(k) contribution limits rules allow you to contribute and defer up to $58,000 or $64,500 per year, per participant.
Bigger Write-Offs: Write more income off your 1040! There are advanced contribution strategies you can employ, if your spouse or children are part of your business.
No UDFI: If you employ leverage in real estate transactions Unrelated Debt Finance Income Tax does NOT apply in a Solo 401(k).
Roth Component: There is a Roth side of the Solo 401(k) that is very attractive. Though you may NOT roll Roth IRA money into a Solo 401(k), there are several ways to move funds from the traditional side of the plan over to the tax FREE Roth 401(k) side.
The Trustee(s) is the ONLY one who has control over the plan, and as we’ve seen-that’s you!
Off Limits: Only a few things are: Life Insurance, Collectibles and few close relatives.
When you want to make an investment you sign all the documents and write a check.
Checking Accounts: Open a hybrid checking/brokerage account with Fidelity, Charles Schwab, Interactive Brokers, TD Ameritrade and others, or open a checking account with our partner bank Solera Bank, or just use a local bank.
You handle the simple paperwork of making a contribution, a distribution or making a loan from the plan to you.
Support: We are here to offer support, but frankly it’s easy.
No more transaction fees or processing delays. The buck stops with you. Literally.

“The Check Book Solo 401(k) allows me, as Trustee of the plan to purchase physical precious metals.”

Take Advantage of What Congress Created
The new Self Directed Check Book Solo 401(k) was made possible because of changes Congress made to the Tax Code in 2001, 2004, and 2006.
Since there can NOT be any employees that are not owners, Congress felt they could remove many of the cumbersome and costly reporting rules and regulations. Thus the Solo 401(k) was born!
Contribution limits were raised, a Roth component was added, compliance and reporting was simplified, and administrative requirements were relaxed.
Also, by allowing the business owner to be their own Trustee these changes made it all more accessible, affordable and manageable for the small business owners and the self-employed in general.
If you are self-employed and have no full-time W-2 employees (other than you spouse or other owners of your business) you qualify to self-sponsor a 401(k) plan, and serve as the Trustee, Plan Administrator and direct all its investments.
Even if you have a full-time job, and you’re just doing something on the side that generates self-employment income, you may qualify for a Solo 401(k).
Being Trustee of the 401(k) means that you, and only you have control of the retirement plan. Say good-bye to third-party Custodians; say good-bye to high transaction fees; say good-bye to costly processing delays; and say good-bye to frustrating investment restrictions.
Say hello to complete and total autonomy to invest in virtually unlimited investment options.
Write off a large percentage of your self-employment income. You’ll have the ability to contribute to a Roth 401(k), or internally convert cash or assets to the Roth 401(k), all within the same retirement plan.
You can also bring your spouse into your business, and allow them to participate in the plan.
Take advantage of the ability for each participant to take a loan for up to $50,000 from their money in the 401(k) plan, and pay interest on the loan to the plan, instead of to a bank.
For those who are serious about growing their retirement account, the 401(k) provides unmatched control and flexibility.
Take Charge Today!
With the Check Book 401(k) you can join 1000’s that have seized control of their retirement accounts. Learn how you can eliminate costly fees, have instant authority to invest and write checks on a local bank account.
Combine your old 401(k) with current SEP or Traditional IRA’s into one, easy to manage account. The Self Employed from all vocations are taking advantage of this gift from Congress.
Contact us today for a free 15 minute consultation with a Solo 401(k) expert to see if you qualify.

(800) 482 2760
Redmond OR | Scottsdale AZ | Minneapolis MN
Fax: 866.302.5992
M-F 6:00 am-5:00 pm PST

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