What is Required Each Year for the Solo 401(k)?
(Hint: Not Much!)

Plan Document Compliance & License Fee – $200/year
Its important that your plan documents stay in compliance from year-to-year. Your plan is registered under our IRS Determination Letter, and as Plan Document Sponsor, it is our responsibility to keep track of any changes in the tax code, guidance from the IRS or Dept. of Labor, or case law that might require updates and amendments to your plan documents. We track all of that, and provide any updates or amendments to you, and explain what those changes mean to you. Without this service, your plan can be disqualified.

Annual Filings?
We’ll Be Here to Help
As I’ve mentioned before, we maintain an open-door policy with clients. Realistically what that means is that on a yearly basis, clients call us with questions about contributions, investments, and a number of other issues. We could charge for it I suppose, but we don’t. We don’t charge anything, because most of the questions can be answered in just a few minutes, and I don’t like it when people nickel and dime me to death for bits of information.
As you’ve probably figured out by now, we try to make as much information as possible available to whoever wants it. The information on our site deals with questions that no one else answers, which is why we have people who were set up by other companies, coming to us for information. We’re happy to accommodate them, but of course we’re more pleased to accommodate our own clients.

(800) 482 2760
Redmond OR | Scottsdale AZ | Minneapolis MN
Fax: 866.302.5992
M-F 6:00 am-5:00 pm PST
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